Obese Rabbit Craft · Craftwhack

Sometimes it's reallllllly difficult for me to exist serious and my imagination goes Wild WILD thinking nigh what hilariously stupid crafts I could make only to crack myself up.

If I don't see your version of this craft up on Instagram by this weekend, you lot're dead to me.

I like to telephone call this i Obese Bunny because I picture a little fuzzy bunny living in my front g and I generously throw information technology carrots and information technology gets bigger and bigger and nosotros sometimes flash at each other. Information technology's an platonic life, actually.


Here is what y'all do.

one. Get yourself some white bill of fare stock. On the way, forget what you're doing and take a nap.

2. Trace a plate and cutting it out. At present you go and cut out some ears and some thumpy big old feet and glue them onto the rotund body.


3. Squeeze the e'er loving snot out of a canteen of Elmer's all over that paper and then you become and stick cotton balls on every available location and and then what you lot practise is put some eyes and nose and whiskers on and watch information technology dry. Y'all'll be sitting there for a good 4 hours, but it'southward important to watch it dry out.


iii 1/2. Embellish it. It will need large, dumb eyes, a perky pink nose and a bevy of whiskers.


four. GLITTER! I forgot the most of import part, which is obviously the glitter. I didn't happen to be able to find the articulate glitter that I know we accept virtually a whole pound of, so I settled for bronze-colored glitter gum. Fantastico!


What do you remember? Sort of amazing, correct? Aye.

What do you think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking function in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and cute things.

She lives with a group of close friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come to life.

Art started off equally a hobby, only over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full time as a florist and has washed for many years. It helps keep her creative juices flowing and she hopes to 1 day open her own florist store with a twist.


Source: https://craftwhack.com/obese-rabbit-craft/

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